
Thursday 20 May 2010

Day Two; Diets and Differentiation.

S'haaapnin y'all!

So today is one of those songs that U2 sing about. I mean, honestly, it's stunning. You can always hear a plane flying when it's like this.
Unfortunately for me, I have a Higher Maths exam TOMOZ. Therefore my day will be spent finding angles which I really have no interest whatsoever in.

I decided to start a diet today, as da chub has been slowly but surely piling on. It's not attractive. I pigged out last night, as a kind-of "last binge" thing. I ate over 500 calories ><

It's 12:14 and all I've had today is Tropicana orange juice(how awesome is it btw). I may have good ol' tomato soup.

I CANNOT EFFING WAIT TO GET OUT AT THE WEEKEND. My friends have this calming effect on me, via making me laugh. The take-away is a bonus. Huuurmmm. I don't laaaaik it when he's like this.

<3 I love it when someone you miss starts randomly speaking to you! Yesterdaaaai on facebook chat Graeme Brown said hi, gosh I've missed that lad. Never see him these days.

I'm the only one at home at the moment, i love when this happens! I can blast Guns 'n' Roses or Bon Jovi without getting shouted at. And mother isn't nagging at me to "reviiiiise, or you'll fail." Well duh. I do wish Anna( my twin sister) would get home from her boyfriend's house soon though- i gots funny stuff to tell her.

I'm wearing the most hideous "pyjamas" - missshapen grey jogger of my mama's, and a fuscia pink top which, to be honest, does me no favours.

Note to self: this Summer, gather the whole old crew(CY3R), collect mandatory fried rice and ridiculous amounts of juice, and frolick in St. Margaret's. Oh, the good old days. When we hadn't all lost our, shall we say, "innocence", never to be returned. 2007, that was. We loved "How to Save a Life" and "Over my Head" by the Fray. We were carefree, we were free. And i was dating an asian boy.
Gosh, I like my ethnic minorities.

I'd better go (I dunno who I'm talking to when I say this, but yeah), and begin with Diet and Differentiation(part of the Higher Maths syllabus).


1 comment:

  1. firsttt of all, thanks for the follow ^^ :D
    second of all, Higher german and higher maths?! omg. i could not do those -_-
    thirdly, good luck with your exams :D i feel your pain T_T.
    fourthly. lush blog :) ive subscribed :)

    Daniel x
