
Wednesday 19 May 2010

Day One; The Second Installment.

I'm back.

Its 23:35 at the moment. I just hydrated myself (FEELS GOOD MAN).
I should reaaaaluy be in mah bunk beds, in the Land of Nod, seeing as I'm rising early tomozzle to revise the heinous subject of maths.
However, that plan has fallen through.

Anna(my twin sister) is staying at Joe's(her loverboi) tonight. Gosh, i sure get lonely when she's away, even just for a night. I suppose being a twinnie makes you dependant on said twin. Yuuuuhhhhh...

I'm looking forward to the weekend, mainly because I'm seeing most of my faves-
going to Dionne's with the whole Wolfpack, y'know, to get a take-away. Boy, I hope we get chinese. At home we always end up getting pizza, it really bums me out...:/
In addition to seeing DA CREW, should also be seeing *CENSORED*, who you may be hearing a lot(Anna says "a lot" is spelt as one word. It's SO not)
I admire my mum for acting so strong to reassure us kids.

I've had sleepwalking episodes most of my life, in particular during puberty. It's usually me screeching, running, trying to get out of windows etc. According to mama I look rather psychotic when I do it. I'm not suprised.

Last week I went to my first session with a therapist. I'm seeing her about so-called "OCD", in other words I have obsessions, perform "rituals", have intrusive thoughts, y'know the stuff. I learnt a lot but the woman herself had a rather irrtating accent.
This week, she cancelled on me.
I think you know there's something wrong when a THERAPIST cancels on you.

I get a good vibe from the pair of pants I'm wearing today, they're peaceful-feeling, if you get me.

I'm rather looking forward to Amie's mum's 40th next week on the 28th, looool, she's invited our whole group and I cannot wait to get crunk (does "crunk" mean drunk btw?!) with jillean, the birthday gal. I THINK SOME "SMACK THAT" ROUTINES ARE ON THE WAY.

I had my fake-tan debut the other day, btw. The result was ...well you can see it in my default pic. I felt like the girl in Peter Andre's "Mysterious Girl" vid. A senorita.

Akon's voice is so smooth and seductive!

That's all (for now) folks!


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