
Sunday 30 May 2010

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Day Eight: Missed Blogs and Missed People.

Sup ma bruvaaaaz!
Sorry for the lack of blogging yesterday.
I had nout to say.

So today, I had my Higher History exam, it was aiiight. Afterwards, Jess, Tom and Andrew came back to me and Anna's. They stayed the afternoon (not Tom, he left). Was gid seeing them, espesh as I haven't seen Androooo in an AGE.
(This is the "Missed People" part of the blog title).

Tomoz I am getting my first ever spray-tan, at Amie's residence. There are three shades of choice; light, medium, dark. GENUINELY considering getting dark. I'd look awesome black.:P



On Saturday, going to Frederik's leaving party. Will be sad to say goodbye to that lad! :[

My incredible mother triumphed once again by purchasing Double Decker bars. They are just insanely good. GRR.

Oh and FYI, this blog WAS much longer ++ more detailed, alas it got deleted and I cannot be arsed typing everything again. Unlucky for you, eh :P.

I'll speak soon.


Monday 24 May 2010

Day Six; Brothers and Basshunter.

Hey-ho, let's go!

Let's not. I feel SICKY.

Yeah, my 9-y/o bro isn't feeling too good today, so he's been put in an isolation of sorts in the living room, so he doesn't give me and Anna it COZ WE HUV EXAMZ.

Exam leave seems to have caused me to develop a dependancy on BASSHUNTER. Yes, you read that right. Basshunter.
I know it's awful, i ken i ken okay!
But it's so catchy.

Mum's out visiting Granny again; she's back to the old ways. What a suprise.

I've got Higher history exam on Wednesday. I stayed in todaiiii to "revise".

The phrase "Living for the Weekend" is relevant to my life at the mo.

Sorry about the shit post. I'm feeling quite down at the moment. I know I'm failing all my exams and won't get into Biochemistry @ Dundee. :[
And I've realised I'll never be pretty. I get so jealous of all the beautiful girls.


Sunday 23 May 2010

Day Five; Sun and, well, Sun.

Duuuuuude, it was so sunny today! (I never say "dude" in real life, I can't pull it off).

I was actually sweatin'. How attractive.

So on the bus home, I was sitting at a window seat, rather content, pretending I was Red from The Shawshank Redemption on his way to Mexico. Then a man sat next to me. I know, THE HORROR. The pickle was this:
Me being a socially awkward person, I was fretting about how I would ask him to get up when I had to get off the bus. I was praying he would get off before me, so I'd be spared this conundrum.
A few stops before my stop, it became obvious he wasn't.
The next few minutes were spent deliberating what I would say.
When my stop came, I stood up pointedly and came out with
"Sorry, can I just, uh."
I never did finish that sentence.
Luckily, the man understood and I got off the bus unscathed, after thanking the man of course.

It's Sunday, and I'm looking forward to next weekend already. I have Amie's mum's 40th with the whole CREW on Friday. Then Fred's leaving party at some random's house on SAT.

I think, if I act like the angel I am to dearest mother in the next few days, she may grant me £20 or so for a new dress for these occasions.
I want a PASTEL dress, a PASTEL one.
If I ever wear a white dress, I'll feel like an angel.

Ooooh, Britain's Got Talent is on, gotta go!
(I know. My life is insane.)


Saturday 22 May 2010

Day Four; Itches and Imperialism.

Good mornin' to yah, laddie!
(Irish accent).

Today is a day of stringent revizzzzzz.

Yesterday went up da tooooon with Anna, Amie, Jenny and Laurie during the day. It was a rather b-e-a-uuuutiful day, as Bruce Almighty would say.
We sat in the Gardens, having an ice-cream and a gossip(bitch?No, let's say gossip).

Stayed in @ night 'cause I couldn't be ringed going out. Tea wasn't ready till like 7.30 a wis rajin. Joking, I'm not that bratty. Although I did have something of a tantrum(jokiiiiin).

So psyched for Germany music trip in, like, A MONTH?!
I'm sitting next to Amie on the way there, due to tradition.
I'm sitting next to Tom on the way back. :D
And I cannot effing wait for the MASSIVE buffet on the ferry.
There was one last time and it was actually insane.
I've been looking forward to this one for the best part of two years.

I just listened to "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Naiiiiice Summer song.
It reminds me of an ex, though ;D

T in the effing P.
Although, unfortunately, no-one that I'm going with likes Rise Against. They're all more Eminem sorta people. Not that I don't like Eminem, but he's got like, TWO good songs.

Anyway, the reason for the entitlement of this particular post:
I'm worried I have a disease of some sort.
As for the Imperialsim bit, that's referring to history revizzzzzz.
I know, I'm awesome.

I'd better start this ca-ra-zeeeeeee revision ma bruvaaaaaz!


Friday 21 May 2010

Day Three; Humidity and Half of Nine.

Afternoon honeybunchkin.

The Higher Maths exam is done and gone. Couldnt've asked for a better Paper 1. Paper 2, on the other hand...all I've got to say is that my idiocy in thinking that half of NINE was three and a half resulted in the loss of a SEVEN MARK question.

Onwards and upwards. Breaking news: It's incredibly humid today!
I've missed that feeling. It's like I'm in the lovely Italia, BABY.

In an hour or so I'm going uptown with Anna, Amie, Jenny, Laurie and possibly Luke (Tom, perhaps?). I intend on buying Sudocrem, and there's nothing you can do to stop me *manic giggle*, yeah, so.

It's sunny, it's a Friday, I don't have anuvva exam till Tuesday or sout, and I'm seeing da crew. HAPPY TIMEZ.

IN ADDITION, my incredibly perceptive mother picked up on the fact that I was craving a Double Decker bar. The amazing woman bought NOT ONE, but an entire packet.

Random thought: How GOOD was "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon?!?! (not a rhetorical question. Feel free to answer.)

Rightyho. I'm away to attempt to make myself look somewhat presentable.
Later y'all!( and yes, I am trying to sound American when I say "y'all!"


Thursday 20 May 2010

Day Two; D&D Cont.

Hello thar my charming little pumpkins(what a cute word).

During the past 24 hours i have developed a rash or sorts which resembles the monsterous chicken-to-da-pox.
It's not chicken pox.
I've had chicken pox.
I'm soooo totally breaking out!111!!222"!!11 .. I sound like Regina George from Mean Girls.
But in all seriousness, I think it's a reaction to the fake tan i donned last Saturday. In a perverse kind of way, I'm almost glad I'm allergic to something- I've never been allergic to anythiiiiin!

How exciting.

Today I watched one of the many chat shows shown on LivingTV or ITV2+4 or whatever it is. Ricki Lake. It was about female sex addicts. IT WOZ HILARIOUS. This woman had slept with 700 men, ohhhh yah belter, I thought 4 was bad.

I'm going uptown after my dreaded exam tomoz, because I'm an Uptown Girl, as Westlife/whoever originally sung it would say.
Nah, I'm chumming Amie to get her MA's bday gift.
I'm awful at buying presents, myself.

Which is why I'm going to inform you of the following impending panic.


Tomorrow, uptown, I'm going to get some goddamn Sudocrem for this mother-trucking rash. Also, for the solitary patch of eczema between my fingaaaaz(ew, sorry about that. TMI)I will no doubt be in a state of hysterics post-exam, as I always am.

Things are looking up on the whole granny thing, by the way. She phoned today and told me to tell Mum that "She's fine." I'm not entirely convinced. Although she did get these withdrawal tablets from the doc, so fingers crossed.

Mum just shouted "Sarah, break time is over!"
She means my break from revision(revizzzzzzz)
*Exhasperated sigh*

Speak soon.


Day Two; Diets and Differentiation.

S'haaapnin y'all!

So today is one of those songs that U2 sing about. I mean, honestly, it's stunning. You can always hear a plane flying when it's like this.
Unfortunately for me, I have a Higher Maths exam TOMOZ. Therefore my day will be spent finding angles which I really have no interest whatsoever in.

I decided to start a diet today, as da chub has been slowly but surely piling on. It's not attractive. I pigged out last night, as a kind-of "last binge" thing. I ate over 500 calories ><

It's 12:14 and all I've had today is Tropicana orange juice(how awesome is it btw). I may have good ol' tomato soup.

I CANNOT EFFING WAIT TO GET OUT AT THE WEEKEND. My friends have this calming effect on me, via making me laugh. The take-away is a bonus. Huuurmmm. I don't laaaaik it when he's like this.

<3 I love it when someone you miss starts randomly speaking to you! Yesterdaaaai on facebook chat Graeme Brown said hi, gosh I've missed that lad. Never see him these days.

I'm the only one at home at the moment, i love when this happens! I can blast Guns 'n' Roses or Bon Jovi without getting shouted at. And mother isn't nagging at me to "reviiiiise, or you'll fail." Well duh. I do wish Anna( my twin sister) would get home from her boyfriend's house soon though- i gots funny stuff to tell her.

I'm wearing the most hideous "pyjamas" - missshapen grey jogger of my mama's, and a fuscia pink top which, to be honest, does me no favours.

Note to self: this Summer, gather the whole old crew(CY3R), collect mandatory fried rice and ridiculous amounts of juice, and frolick in St. Margaret's. Oh, the good old days. When we hadn't all lost our, shall we say, "innocence", never to be returned. 2007, that was. We loved "How to Save a Life" and "Over my Head" by the Fray. We were carefree, we were free. And i was dating an asian boy.
Gosh, I like my ethnic minorities.

I'd better go (I dunno who I'm talking to when I say this, but yeah), and begin with Diet and Differentiation(part of the Higher Maths syllabus).


Wednesday 19 May 2010

Day One; The Second Installment.

I'm back.

Its 23:35 at the moment. I just hydrated myself (FEELS GOOD MAN).
I should reaaaaluy be in mah bunk beds, in the Land of Nod, seeing as I'm rising early tomozzle to revise the heinous subject of maths.
However, that plan has fallen through.

Anna(my twin sister) is staying at Joe's(her loverboi) tonight. Gosh, i sure get lonely when she's away, even just for a night. I suppose being a twinnie makes you dependant on said twin. Yuuuuhhhhh...

I'm looking forward to the weekend, mainly because I'm seeing most of my faves-
going to Dionne's with the whole Wolfpack, y'know, to get a take-away. Boy, I hope we get chinese. At home we always end up getting pizza, it really bums me out...:/
In addition to seeing DA CREW, should also be seeing *CENSORED*, who you may be hearing a lot(Anna says "a lot" is spelt as one word. It's SO not)
I admire my mum for acting so strong to reassure us kids.

I've had sleepwalking episodes most of my life, in particular during puberty. It's usually me screeching, running, trying to get out of windows etc. According to mama I look rather psychotic when I do it. I'm not suprised.

Last week I went to my first session with a therapist. I'm seeing her about so-called "OCD", in other words I have obsessions, perform "rituals", have intrusive thoughts, y'know the stuff. I learnt a lot but the woman herself had a rather irrtating accent.
This week, she cancelled on me.
I think you know there's something wrong when a THERAPIST cancels on you.

I get a good vibe from the pair of pants I'm wearing today, they're peaceful-feeling, if you get me.

I'm rather looking forward to Amie's mum's 40th next week on the 28th, looool, she's invited our whole group and I cannot wait to get crunk (does "crunk" mean drunk btw?!) with jillean, the birthday gal. I THINK SOME "SMACK THAT" ROUTINES ARE ON THE WAY.

I had my fake-tan debut the other day, btw. The result was ...well you can see it in my default pic. I felt like the girl in Peter Andre's "Mysterious Girl" vid. A senorita.

Akon's voice is so smooth and seductive!

That's all (for now) folks!


Day One; The Chronicles Begin.

Happnin' y'all! This seems perfect for daily ramblings, revelations and (no doubt) rants. There's just some stuff you don't wanna tell your, er, "homies", family, or bee-tothe-eff. Kapeeeeesh?!

So today I had my second exam of da season, namely Higher German. It was, to say the least, diabolical.

On the brightside, on the way to the exam I walked with a china mug of steamin' tomato(TOMMY) soup cupped in my hand. And I walked with Toffle(real name Jess) one of ma bezziezzzz.

I'm not in the best of moods these days. Hmm, I guess you could know why, "Blogger" seeing as no-one sees this blog...let's just say my Granny has got into, shall we say, old habits, and I can see it's stressing my maaaammy out :[ I just hope she doesn't do herself any real damage this time. In fact, she's in a state right as I type this...

I'd best be off. The exhilerating prospect of maths revizzzzzz awaits!
I'll most likely blog tomoz. This has been most pleasant.
