
Friday 13 April 2012

Fryday, April. the thirteenth day,. 2012.

It's one of those times when one can relax into nothingness. Utterly disengage from wha it means to be human.

This week, my name was changed to Silver, be Sarah (my old self), and the cat that lives in my house was made a facebook by Silver.
University only gives you further confirm8ion that you're stupid; a helping man in my computing practical muttered "jesus christ" in an exhasper8d manner when i failed to understand something .
The "nights out in nightclubs" culture which is written all over society in this damned country is something which will never cease to baffle and wonder this Brain of mine. Why do quite a lot of humans enjoy going to a dark room and jerking, unable to hear what other humans are saying, all the while scouting for someone whom they'll never grace w/ their presence again ? This is not friendship. It is a mistake to see it as that.

When i come home from stirling @ weekends, i get mildly obsessed over my Cat, who goes by the name of "Holy", or on occasion "Baby".

Next year (if ther is a next year) i will be living with four of my friends, in a flat-type-entity near the city centre of stirling. V.glad of be rid of Campus life: it feels very confined, trapped, to have everything in the one place.
Chocolate is rather an over-hyphen-r8d thing: very sickly, really quickly.

Neither soup nor salad should ever be classed as a meal.

I'm terribly scared for things to be going right, // ("//" is my abbrev. for "because") they will go wrong again, as they do.
It doesn't feel like you're with a human when you're w/ joe. :):) oh, cmon now Silver. Abort the cringey wingey -ness.

Recently i have become increasingly worryed about the possibility of catching HIV from getting a stranger's blood in an open wound. This could happen in a scarily huge number of situations -- what if an HIV positive stranger on a bus got a papercut, bled on the "this is my stop" button, got off without a second thought?
Wish ther were more plasters in my room.

anyway, without further ado, i am going to probably go and bathe. it reminds me of childhood, somewhat.. ... retreating back to childhood is something i often strive to do.
