
Thursday 28 July 2011

The Twenty-Eighth(Oo0h) of July, 2011. A rainy Thursday. 13:27

Give each of your fingernails a little red cape and watch them fly :)
i applied for my accommodation at sitrling university today. If they ask, I smoke tobacco. (a)
I dont really want to shower, it's quite fun being smelly y'know. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i want to eat but there's shite food in the house. S'pose, that's due to me eating it all last night(SMOKADAGANJAWITHJOEANDJOSEPHUPTHEWOODS)
tONIGHT, im seeing amie i think. Anna's at work the now. I'm working 9-4 tomorrow, really, really.

Saturday 7 May 2011

The Seventh, of May. I'd Say. 2011.

I think you should have a name, blog, so im going to refer to you as "Darren" henceforth. Okay, i was originally planning to start this post in a civilised way but YAAAAAS! I JUST FOUND A CHOCOLATE ORANGE ON THE SOFA!!!
well that's that.
just chilling, y'know, eating a chocolate orange, listening to "doing the unstuck" by the cure.

uh, yeah, so a good few months back, i started skiving school heavily. Dropped out. Got five unconditional ofers to university (standard oh you fucker) and i going to stirling. the campus is magic, pretty forests and a lake and the like.

Bout two months ago, i broke up with my on-off boyfriend of a year, Tope. When we were together, i was pretty much obsessed, but it was more like being addicted to heroin than anything else...i was like his puppet, for a bit. (for a year, actually) but no hard feelings, i think he's a good guy who does bad things, theres good in everyone. at the moment, me and tope are flipping between fragile fake friendship, and resentment/bitterness towards each other. so YEAH.

oh no, ive had seven segments (lol segments what a word) of choccy orange and now i need milk straight from the carton. brb

ok im back. im astounded by my own cleverness sometimes; to counteract the sickly feeling from the chocolate orange, i am now devouring a REAL orange. Woooowwww...

last night i was at Jenny and Tom's house. I hadnt seen the quinns in a while and honestly, i love being around them. there's no fakeness, no plotting, in their friendship; theyre genuinely nice people who think about others. two of my favourite people, they are. theyre also two of the few people that i find i properly "click" with...i dont even click with some of my best friends, but its cool.

ah, i got an ipod off ebay and i got it today. having had almost no access to music for the past month or so, ive spent today revelling in the overwhelming thrill certain artists give me. i had almost forgotten the strength of emotion that music can evoke in you..

Can I tell you something, Darren? of course i can. I sometimes feel like im slipping off the edge.

It's so weird, all these things, that we're EXPECTED to do, seeing as we're human beings. We are socially expected to speak, and to have showers, and be happy, and to go to work, and develop relationships and other such things. What if someone didnt want to? They'd continue to, anyway, cause that's what humans do. They have to be human. I look at people around me and i see such happiness in most of their expressions, their actions, their tone of voice; of this i am envious...but is it real? are they just pretending for the sake of what we think humans have to do?i dont know. i love musicians that challenge this, that breach the ordinary, that delve into their true feelings. and i love people in real life(well, my life) who do not constantly wear a protective shield of (perhaps phony) happiness. i mean, dont get me wrong, i know i sound pessimistic as hell, i like when people are happy, i really do. i dont know how to put this into words, actually. so i wont.

A few months ago, I (entirely by accident) stumbled upon two things which kinda turned my life a good way, though. one of them is something which gives me an escape, a few hours away. the other has the exact same effect but is in the form of a person, a friend. one who showed me things id never seen before. the most calming and compassionate of people. :)

In other news, ive been seeing a lot of one of my best friends, Amie, a lot recently. It's been good having proper conversations about life with her but i sometimes think she puts on a front and holds something back (not in a bad way). I think she's been more affected by her past than she lets on, anyway..i wish she'd realise that it isnt cowardly to cry, to get upset. But yeah.

That orange (the real one) was refreshing. I like brushing my teeth, but not after fruit.

Alright, Darren, im going to go lie in the dark and listen to a mix of Slipknot, Angels and Airwaves, Adele, Nirvana, Sum 41, Bruce Springsteen, My Chemical Romance, Edwin Mccain, the Cure and the Fray.

I might write tomorrow. Then again, i might not.


p.s. ive blogged (incredibly sporadically, but i have blogged regardless) for a year now, and may i just say, i just read my old blogs, and i was an irritating little arse a year ago.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

March the Nineth( lol wtf NINETH? say it)2011. :) a wednesday morning.

Well, hey.......
it's 02:17 in the morning and i cant push my mind together into one piece to start writing about the last few months.

I will write tomorroe. HAHAHA WHAT A FUNNY SPELLING

remember when George Bush spelt "potato", "potatoe" what an omnibus.

Oh, life's waiting to begin.

i have four unconditionals, by the fucking way! and i can brag all i want on here, cause no-one will read this. How awesome am i?

My hands smell of soap.
